Hot Neuron Information Leads to Insight    
As the volume of information increases, it becomes more important for companies to focus on the most relevant content. The people at Hot Neuron® can help.

Clustify ClustifyTM is text analytics software that does supervised and unsupervised machine learning. It can group conceptually similar or near-duplicate documents together into clusters and label each cluster with a few keywords to tell you what it is about. This gives you a quick overview of the document set and makes categorization of the documents more efficient and consistent. Clustify can also categorize documents automatically based on an analysis of examples of categorized documents that you supply. Clustify can process millions of documents on a modest desktop computer, bringing organization to large projects.

Content Services Attract more customers to your website or keep your employees informed through your intranet by adding news feeds with article search from our® service. We aggregate, summarize, and categorize articles from hundreds of online magazines to provide carefully targeted content that turns your website into a dynamic research center.